Saturday, March 30, 2013

Twix - adopted March 30, 2013

Twix is an 8 month old grey female with white chest shorthaired female.  She was rescued from the Shelter and spayed by IOWHS.  She is very sensitive and a little insecure but she loves attention.  She hid in the garage for 5 days and finally got trapped.  Now she loves attention.

March 28 - Twix and I had a wonderful "bonding" time this morning. She doesn't eat much and still likes to hide and has to be "coaxed" out from under the wardrobe. I'm tired of "coaxing" her out. Once out she is friendly as can be but she doesn't come out willingly on her own in a timely fashion. I did give her some special Fancy Feast to motivate her after she was out from under there and she decided she likes it better than her kitten chow. She'll only get ProPlan kitten once she is up at Petsmart but she needs a little more socializing and that took a priority. She sure follows that food around and loves being petted. She can purr up a storm when she is happy. She had her dose of Advantage this morning so she is already to go up there and she'll go up there on Saturday when I take Grayson and Marco up to Petsmart with me. Maybe it will be Grayson's lucky day. Both Marco and Grayson are FIV+.

March 28 pm - a little more willing to come out on her own tonight.  I did block the back of the Wardrobe so she can't go ALL the way to the back making my "coaxing" job easier.  She got some more FF tonight - finished the can.  I slept in the cat room last night but she didn't sleep with me...  boo hoo.  She didn't try to wake me up.  Pepper meeowing outside the door did.  Her munching on food woke me up.

March 29 - she went to Petsmart cage

March 30 - she was adopted!!!!  a wonderful family - with 5 kids - the youngest is two but did really well with the cat.  Mom is a stay at home home and fell in love with Twix.  Her husband is deployed but fortunately she reached him via text and he said YES.  He had wanted declawed but let her chose and no Twix will not be declawed.  She will have a friend in the house, a cat friendly dog.  She's young enough I'm sure she will adjust.

1 comment:

  1. Day 2 of Panacure. She didn't like it any better than day 1. Since she is NOT food motivated I had to give it to her in a syringe and she took off like... and is hiding again. One more day tomorrow.
