Monday, April 6, 2015

Harper and Kota

Harper.  I'm not sure what 
I think of humans yet.
Kota - Jan 2016 - definitely more relaxed now
Harper and Kota are two 5-month old littermates that were trapped outside but can't go back where they were.  We are assessing for adoptability.  The third littermate - the boy - is adoptable and is waiting for a forever home at Cat Corner.  Harper might become adoptable however Kota isn't going to be without LOTS of time and work.  She's still hissing anytime you get near her.  Will Harper come around and be better?  We shall see.  (4/6/2015)

April 7, 2015  Harper is doing really well.  She overreacts to discipline if she starts getting swatty with me and I tell her no.  She withdraws to the back of the cage but then comes forward. She needs to learn acceptable behavior.  She is learning to play.  She's getting more secure with time.  Her sister Kota who watches her sisters antics will only hiss at me and have nothing to do with me.  My goal is to bring Harper back in the house over the weekend.  In the bathroom of course and work on play and get her nails clipped.  If she's cooperative I'd say she is ready to go and can go back to Cat Corner or another foster.  I have a pretty busy week next week.

My name is Kota and I don't like you
April 2015

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