Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ethal - adopted June 2013

Ethal will go to her new home on Sat morning, June 29, 2013.  She'll have a sister close to the same age.  Since she gets along so well with Julius after just a couple of days I think she'll be fine and get used to another cat.  We shall see.  I will deliver her to her new home.  Mark had 2 cats.  One died in January of old age.  I think she'll do great.  I hope the other cat does well with her.

Ethal is a 6 year old 16# female cat - front declawed who was outside.  She is looking for a forever home and if I hadn't taken her she would have been put down.

June 25 - she loves being brushed.  I'm trying to deworm with strongid but she's not eating the canned with the meds.  I guess she is on a hunger strike.  Has plenty of water but if she wants to eat that is all she is getting.  I guess I could try the syringe and at this point she'd probably be fine.  I did play with her mouth with no objections.  She is hungry and loves to be loved on and but is burning up her fat by not eating.  I think she has lost a little weight already.  Even the other food , she wasn't eating much.  Some cats have low metabolism and she might just be one of them.  I'm trying to get her to play some but she is content just to walk around, be petted and brushed and rub around my legs.  She doesn't really object to going back into her cage but she keeps hoping - it seems - to have different food to eat.  At least that is what I think.

----------  past history ----
She came to me Friday June 14 from Eagle Harbor.  She had been friendly, was traumatized by a very loud barking yorky.  Desiree brought her over on Friday.  Attempts to transfer her from carrier into a cage were greeted by a very angry scared hissing, growling so the carrier with her were put in the cage.  I was able to get a litter box in the cage although she acted like she would attack me if she could - fear and insecurity motivated.  She would hiss anytime another cat went by her cage.

Saturday June 15 AM.   water available but no food.  PM added food.  No indication she had come out of carrier.  still hadn't eaten.  hissing and growling

Sunday June 16 - gave her - the "lecture".  she meeowed.  let me pet her through the bars and then would growl and I would ignore her.  repeated that multiple times.  Julius got plenty of time out.  He was out the entire time I was at Petsmart.  And I came home without Grayson who was adopted - yippee!

Monday June 17.  She finally let me pet her but my attempts to invite her to leave the carrier were still greeted by hissing and growling.  I tried to remove carrier and coax her to leave it on her own.  when there was growling I just pushed it back in.

Tuesday June 18 PM.  She finally came out of the carrier as I started to remove it from the cage.  She was calm and meowing and let me pet her.

Wed June 19 AM.  Julius had his time out of cage and went back in.  Then I let Ethal out. She investigated a while.   I cleaned her cage and put everything back in including her food.  I left her in garage a little while loose.  Came back in to garage - she let me pet her.  She came to me and then went in the cage on her own to eat and I closed the door behind her.  She is so big I have hesitated to pick her up.

Thurs June 20 AM  Ethal enjoyed time out - this time with Julius.  He wanted to play with her but she just hissed at him.  her coat is very oily.  I think since she is so "fat" she can't really groom herself the way she should - can't reach that far.  I do have some cat wipes which I'll use on her Friday or this weekend.  She'll be going to Petsmart after Casanova comes out if not before when a double opens up. I didn't find the cat wipes but she liked the damp washcloth and just LOVES being brushed.

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